In this guide, you’ll learn how to turn an ordinary mirror into a fog free mirror:
Two simple techniques will prevent fog from condensing on glass during a shower or bath:
- Hydrophobic Glass Cleaner
- Heating the Glass
Have you ever noticed how much a mirror fogs up after a steamy bath or shower? That’s because the surface of glass is colder than the steam, allowing it to condense. This can make it very difficult to get ready in the morning after a nice hot shower!
Your bathroom mirror attracts water just like a windshield fogs up on a cold winter day. Additionally, it’s also due to the “hydrophilic” properties of glass, which means water clings to it.
You can make any type of glass surface fog free. It’s ideal for conditions where temperature varies and environments are changing.
For example: Do you have any vacations coming up?
You can benefit from fog free mirrors for scuba diving gear, snorkeling, and more!
Having your mirror fog free will also help you save time getting ready in the morning, as well as keeping the mirror material safe from water damage.
Here’s the kicker: mirrors will start to desilver due to excessive damage and conditions. Applying Fog Free coating will help with the protection of your mirror!
Here are the best techniques for keeping fog off your mirrors and glass:

The easiest way to make a mirror fog free is by using a hydrophobic glass cleaner.
When you spray this cleaner onto the glass, the water slips off of the glass. The water almost falls off. While the untreated area collects the water in droplets which clings to the surface. You can use this Smart Mirrors or any other optical mirror including Two Way Mirrors!
Another way to prevent fog on glass is by heating it. If you’re treating a standard window, you can use a small heater that adheres to a tiny part of the glass, heating it. If you’re adding heat to a mirror, you can use a defogger pad custom made to the size of your mirror, which simply plugs in.
It gets better! This is great for new installations where you can plan ahead with hidden wiring to connect it. Or you could just purchase one of our Vanity Vision TV and the TV behind the Vanity Vision Mirror will heat up the Mirror just enough to make it fog resistant! All while you’re able to check your social media updates and the weather!
- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Glasses
- Safety Goggles
- Bathroom Mirror
- Car Windows
- Scuba Gear
- Swim Goggles
- Ski Masks
- Binoculars and scopes
- Paintball masks
- Snorkeling Gear
- Beach Houses
- Lenses’
- Store Windows
- Office Cubes
- And More!
There are many reasons and applications to invest in fog free mirrors! These are great for many different reasons throughout the day.
A great example of when you’d want to make sure that glass is not fogging up, is in a glass refrigerator! Moisture builds up inside a fridge and opening up the freezer doors exposes the glass. This causes it to collect that condensation due to the difference in temperatures.
Getting rid of that fog allows customers to see what their dinner options are, even after opening and closing the freezer door!
Glasses and safety goggles can also benefit from a hydrophobic coating! By applying this to your glasses you can be completely confident that you will be able to see! No matter what type of environment you’re in and out of! This is great if you’re working in a warehouse environment, construction, manufacturing or service!

Outside shops and storefronts would also benefit from this fog free system. Could you imagine how difficult it would be to sell products to potential customers if they couldn’t see the true value and details of your product due to the condensation?
That is why this is so important to have on hand! And the best part? This solution lasts for a long time and creates an invisible layer on your glass meaning that you no longer have to clean your mirrors or glass nearly as often!