Breaking a mirror will give you seven years of bad luck!
We all know this, but what can you do about it?
I have seven fast techniques that can save your soul. Keep in mind, these should be used as quickly as possible, before your luck runs out.
Table of Contents
“The reflection in a mirror represents not just ones physical appearance, but also ones soul”
Some might not understand the relevance that breaking a mirror holds, or the origin of its importance. Breaking a mirror not only causes a mess, but can also stir up some emotions for those of us who are superstitious.
This myth started with the Romans. They believed that the soul would regenerate every 7 years. So essentially, when you break a mirror, you’re waiting for an entirely new soul to rid yourself of the bad luck.
Others believed that mirrors were actually devices of the Gods. Breaking a mirror would anger the Gods, who would then torment the person who’s last reflection it held. Either way, breaking a mirror is said to bring you heaps of misfortune–unless you use one of these foolproof hacks.
Throw Salt Over Your Left Shoulder

Throw salt over your left shoulder as soon as possible! It’s said that you’re throwing the salt straight onto the Devil who lurks there.
According to Morton Salt, the French throw a little behind them to hit him in the eyeball. This will buy you some time to get away. In fact, in the United States many people may even crawl under the table after throwing the salt to further remove themselves from the bad juju.
In my opinion, almost every house in the world has salt in their cabinet. In a pinch it is worth it. 😉
Another option would be to cleanse your body with saltwater. The easiest way to go about this would be to add 2 Tbs of salt into bathwater. If neither of those options suit you, then try putting sea salt in the corner of each room and under each windowsill. This is said to protect your entire home from unwanted spirits.
Spin in Circles 3 Times

Without hesitation, spin around three times counter clockwise.
Careful not to do this unless you’ve just broken a mirror, as doing so on it’s own actually brings you bad luck. If you do it after breaking a mirror, it will confuse the spirits.
Try not to get too dizzy in the process or you might break something again!
Grind the Mirror into a Fine Powder

Grind the mirror shards into a fine powder. This prevents you from being able to see your reflection in the broken shards. However, you need to be extra careful!
There are multiple ways to grind the glass so use whatever method you prefer. Don’t forget to wear safety goggles and gloves as the glass is likely to move around in the process.
Reuse the Broken Mirror

Reuse your broken glass for a craft! There are so many DIY options for broken glass. Using broken glass to create a mosaic effect really adds some flare to your décor–this would look even cooler with colored glass!
Use it on the outside of a terrarium or even a beauty tray to make your accident look high class. Some people call it clumsiness, we call it creativity.
Toss the Broken Mirror into a South Running Stream

This is a tip that works if you have a bit more time, and all else has failed. Toss the pieces into a south running stream. This will wash away the bad luck in only seven HOURS instead of seven years. Not a bad deal if you ask me.
If you don’t live near any type of river or stream, don’t worry. Another method of doing this would be to run the shard under a faucet. As long as you have access to a sink or bathtub, this should be one of the easiest hacks yet!
Blacken the Mirror with Fire
Use flames to blacken the mirror fragments, then bury them exactly one year later. You can use flames from a match, candle, lighter, stove, or really anything that is capable of catching on fire. As always, be careful.
Unfortunately, you’ll still have one year of bad luck until then, so try to avoid getting into anything risky before then!
Touch a Tombstone with One Glass Shard

Take a single piece of the broken mirror and touch it to a tombstone. Not sure where this one originated, but it’s supposed to lift the 7 year curse immediately. It might be a little creepy, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
If this hack is a little too creepy for you, you might still have time to reverse your luck. If there happens to be a full moon, take your glass shard and reflect the moon. When you gaze into it, it’s supposed to ease your bad luck.
In this specific case, you can either keep your piece of broken mirror, or bury it–don’t throw it away.
Bonus Tip: Bury the Glass
Bury the pieces very far into the ground where the spirits can’t find them. It is best to do this at night so your reflection is less likely to be taken with the pieces. Bring a friend with you if you’re scared of the dark, and be wary of the moonlight.
You may be wondering how you’re supposed to know if the method you tried worked. The answer is pretty simple–if you can still see your reflection in a mirror then your soul is safe. . .for now. If you want to be extra safe then carrying a good luck charm such as a four leaf clover or horseshoe is likely to help.
Why does it have to be SEVEN YEARS of bad luck instead of just a day or two? This superstition dates way back to Roman times, when they believed it took seven years for a soul to renew itself. The myth itself dates back much further, the oldest mirrors we know of date back to Anatolia in 6,000 BC.
If you have any other tips to remedy bad luck, let us know in the comments below!
Oh noes! It might be a good idea to make a small investment in salt!
About 6 years ago I found a dressing table mirror broke on the floor and is it too late,what must I do ???
might as well just let one more year be complete
Listen, I never took this seriously bc I was a Christian and didn’t believe in such things. Even though my life has been completely disastrous and I keep getting into situations where I break a mirror every few years. I realized that after I just broke this last one, it came about an odd way at a very ominous moment. I had to start fighting back bc I could see myself changing. Turning green, losing so much weight, losing everything to the point I didn’t know who I was looking at in the mirror. So, I started doing research. Of course it’s cloudy this full moon and my first day at my new job is tomorrow on the full moon, but I must stay up to try and get a reflection from the full moon in a piece of the shard. I am grinding the rest by walking on it bc I am completely desperate. It is a full length body mirror and I’ve got no money for tools nor bills. Wrecked my car and I’m being blocked on getting a new one. I’m so done with this. If all else fails, I will walk 10 miles or more to a grave yard my freaking self. If my parents let me go to their house and take a long hike, which I am unsure of, and I am able to find the hidden abandoned grave yard that I found as a child out on that property when this shit began, I might be ok. If that doesn’t work, I will walk to a graveyard in town. If they arrest me for being at a grave yard at night, so be it. I will find a south running stream as well and throw these pieces into that steam. Bc I’m not about to keep going thru this. It was about to be decade 4 of this awfulness…homelessness, losing those I love to death, hatred bc of my circumstances or who I am, becoming completely alone. People I loved most trying to kill me! Losing my children. Being beaten raped and robbed of everything I owned including my identity on thanksgiving day…and forced to shoot up drugs bc I had virgin veins and vowed to never do it…so they destroyed my life…and that’s when I lost my kids 2 weeks later. My ex took my kids bc I ended up in that situation. I was trying to better myself in sober livings, and ended up in human trafficking, with no choices. I lost count at the times I’ve moved. But it’s in the 70s…the majority of those times to homeless situations.
I have a kitty now, and I’m renting a house. I lost my transportation to my work. Now, I have a seasonal job that it a third of what I was getting paid but still a lot more than everything left…which are not things that will keep me in a house!
I know what I must do. I must get through this, and I must write a book about it. And how to get out.
I haven’t met anyone that has been thru something like I have, but I have heard horror stories of peoples lives, and I would not want to be in their shoes, bc I know I’m on this path for a reason.
I’m on it bc I can win it. And everyone is given a path bc they have the ability. Whether they accomplish it or not. That is up to them. Whether they have or have not accomplished their goal…is up to them and no one else.
If you think that you can wade out the rest of the time safely, go you. From someone who has gotten into supernatural situations that do not make sense why mirrors continue to break in their presence….like…it would make sense to someone else maybe….but it doesn’t to yourself, bc you might end up alone, and realize you’re not actually alone. And there is some other force directing the process. So be very careful. Very careful.
Something warned me to put an old antique used mirror of which I don’t know where it came from in the basement and out of the way. The next week on Thanksgiving at about midnight, I walked passed my small body mirror as I always do, and it fell for no reason.
It didn’t break. But events happened a few hours later. I got upset bc my cat spilled my food. Then, I had to walk in the dark and tripped over a useless dining room chair…fell flat on the floor.
I call it useless bc I could never hold down a job long enough to get furniture for my home. I got the chairs for $2 each at goodwill. I also thought of them as useless bc no one comes and sees me. I spent thanksgiving alone. And I knew I would. I knew no one would call and they didn’t. I only talked to the people I care about bc I pounded their phone!
Anyway, it really upset me and I threw the chair. It defied the laws of science and physics. It should have at least hit the floor before going as far as it did, but it did not. It was like a joke. It stopped right at my large body mirror and cracked it.
It upset me so bad I threw the thing outside. Bc I was full of fear bc I realized at that point something was up.
So, I’ve taken steps since then. It hasn’t been easy. Not at all. I asked my father for help w tools and explained to him that it does want us to argue about it and split us up on it.
He considers me the problem as I do witchcraft now….bc I’m trying to fix what’s going on! He said “earth to “”.” Leave me out of it. Just bury it. It’s all in your head.”
Since you still have bad luck for one year…and he literally laughed wickedly while I was crying when I told him, I’m pretty sure that when someone keeps on breaking mirrors, it affects the people around them.
The first mirror that I broke as a child, my mother punished me for it, and then she cleaned it up and threw it away. Our relationship hasn’t been the same since.
I cannot exactly remember what happened, but I think she was trying to get in when I slammed that door and the mirror broke. I think there was a spirit there taunting the situation and has destroyed me and my family from the inside out. I think since I’ve continued to break mirrors, their pain continues with mine. And they choose the easy way out, to go with their unchristlike Christian beliefs.
You might be thinking that it sounds like something happened prior to that first mirror breaking. Well, it did. I don’t think you would believe me if I told you. But it does have to do with that old abandoned graveyard I do believe. Bc the thing I saw as a child, appeared to me not too far from that graveyard and after I went to that graveyard to play and tell ghost stories w my friends.
So, I really think it has something to do with that. I will say that I’ve only seen what I saw in my adulthood in very real nightmares. Like, I’m not sure if I’m asleep or awake. I’ve been told it’s sleep paralysis. But, I was 100% awake and not even thinking of spooky things when I first saw that thing.
I was actually innocently playing in a new area my dad had just cleaned out that was secluded from everywhere else. And I was acting like it was my secret garden.
That thing appeared and I ran very fast and never went back. My father worked hard clearing that area for me to play in, so he wasn’t too happy about it, and told me it was all in my head.
I had felt evil presences as a kid but never actually saw anything after that. So I started to think it was my wild imagination. Til I got into my twenties.
Then, I realized something was up.
It’s to late…. 9:09 pm
About 3 weeks ago I broke a full length mirror. I didn’t think anything bad of it at the time until the replacement mirror I did attached to the closet broke by itself yesterday. I only have the frame of the mirror and one big piece of the mirror. I threw the other broken pieces away. What can I do now. I need help please
You will be fine just do all of the above to be safe
I was packing up my cosmetic table and I kind of touched the piece of mirror and placed it almost the edge before I could catch it it fell and broke .what should I do?
Oh no! This sounds like a bad time! Do a few of the tips and tricks to reverse it!
Okay I’m only 10 years Old and I accidentally stepped on a Mirror I did the salt thing I put the glass in water I’m gonna bury it tonight and I’m rlly scared I DONT WANT BAD LUCKKK
If you do those, then you should be good to go! 🙂
I have broken a few mirrors in my lifetime accidentally. One when I was young about your age of 10 (only reason I wanted 2 comment) & I truly worried about the 7 years.* Point * Do your spirit work, call on your guides & those you believe in and outright REFUSE to accept the bad luck, & have true FAITH in your chosen protectors (ancestral, St. Michael, spirit animal etc)
Knowing about the tricks now I say do them, but sometimes (like when I was 10) there were no easy answers that I was aware of but I had my beliefs protectors & they protected me. Moving forward personally I like the water running south, and then I cover the mirror & take it FAR from the house, later sage the car & pray again.
I hope you the OP reads this & comes to understands the power of light she has within herself.
I personally don’t like the idea of burying it where I live, but it’s all a matter of preferences, beliefs and what wisdom has been passed down & learned as we live our lives among the other side.
omg this happened to me last night too..I’m 25 and I am freaking out too
i broke a mirror but it broke is self
I would do some of the tricks just in case! 🙂
A friend of mine, Natalie bought one of those glass mirror type pictures of her parents. She hung the picture on a wall in a hallway. While dusting she accidentally knocked it off the wall and it broke. She felt bad because she hadn’t had it that long. She called her mother and while talking to her mentioned the accident. Her mother said, “0h well, you still gave us! We will pose for another picture. That same night her parents house burned to the ground due to a faulty ground wire to their pool heater. They got out and were fine. The only thing they found when they sifted through the ruble was a photograph of Natalie. It was in perfect condition in the glass frame.
I just broke a mirror too. DO NOT WORRY this is just a mith Our Lord Jesus can to save us from all bad. Beside that Remeber the Romans were very superticious and Bad People. We have Jesus in our heart (YISAS) Do not worry just believe in him
This page has to do with spells to reverse bad luck from braking a mirror. Spells are Wiccan or Pagan not Christian. I am Pagan not Christian and your comment offends me! If I wanted to hear about Jesus I wouldn’t be looking on this page.
I know, right? I wouldn’t say that it necessarily offends me, but it definitely annoys me for sure! But the part saying “the Romans were very supersticious and BAD PEOPLE” was super rude. How are you gonna go and claim an entire ethnicity of people are so called “BAD”, Dobao?? That was incredibly insulting and very narrow minded.
Yes, believe in God and Jesus Christ, but if you STILL think a broken mirror is cursed then try rinsing it in salt water and recycle it for fun, but remember to pray every day, noon, afternoon, and night.
thanks I needed this
How is it going?
No, you’re not going to die. You can burn a black candle to banish any evil spirits and burn incense (an odd number) as sandalwood or sage. You can always sprinkle salt, holy water or Florida water over the broken pieces too if you still have them. If not then sprinkle or spray the room where the mirror broke. It always works!
Try salting a broken mirror and try throwing salt over your shoulder then throw the mirror on the same side on the street but first wrap or put it in something so it doesn’t harm the environment that might help.
I broke my mirror by accident I’m only 13 I did the spin thing will that be enough
I did’nt even break my mirror my PENCIL CASE did and I’m the one who has bad luck!
I spun around three (3) times,I threw salt over my shoulder, sprinkled salt water on the mirror shards, and recycled it. Is that enough?
I spun around three (3) times,I threw salt over my shoulder, sprinkled salt water on the mirror shards, and recycled it (I also sprinkled extra salt water.) is that enough?
child good luck u probably see god there
What if you break two mirrors…… hehe
How far deep
Deep, very deep
I have 3 mirrors on my wall and out of no where one fell off the wall and broke. Does that technically mean I didn’t break it? I threw salt over my shoulder, crawled under a table and spun around 3 times just in case.
That happened to me today out of no where my mirror fell off the wall does that mean I have seven years of bad luck?kinda scared
Yes it does, but you can reverse it by doing the tips and tricks mentioned!
I already have three scratches just because my PENCIL CASE broke my mirror and my grandparents believe that I did it but I didn’t!
that should help but make sure u berry it
I carry a small mirror in my backpack just in case I need to check my face at school. I hadn’t opened it in a while until I did, it was broken. So technically it was an accident. Does that still count? Should I try one of the techniques above?
I would do one just to make sure!
Same but worse I might die.
Same but worse I might die because of my pencil case.
I have bad luck for breaking a mirror… BUT I’m having GOOD luck is that possible even??????
I have bad luck for breaking a mirror… BUT I’m having GOOD luck is that possible even? And I’m having GOOD AND bad luck noe!
Please help, I threw my dogs toy at my mirror and cracked it on the bottom, does this still count as broken? If so, I did the salt and table and the counterclockwise, please I’m so scared. Am I going to be okay? How do I reverse all 7 years? Please I’m really scared
Do all of the hacks above
I’m soo sorry to say this all you can do is wish and pray because you did throw something at it.
And don’t forget the hacks! 🙂
If you’re burying them in your yard try and bury the pieces in a spot where there’s not much traffic. The pieces can be buried as deep as you think necessary, but is most effective during a full moon. You can reflect the pieces in moonlight to cleanse the mirror without burying them and discard in the trash safely.
soooooooooooo deep
Ima die i broke a walmart one
Indeed, walmart mirrors can be cheap and easily broken. I recommend Big Lots at very least!
has anything bad happened? , i just broke one and i don’t know what to do i have done the salt one only
Glad to hear you tried the salt right away! Hopefully that will be enough….
My mirror was side ways while I was using the toilet and then I came out and after about like 3 hours it fell out of nowhere what should I do I didn’t know about this till now and it was like a week ago and I’m already having bad luck AM I OKAY OR AM I GONNA DIE!!
I broke a mirror last year around April time, since doing so my luck has 100% been bad. I have been put into very dark situations and troubling times. Couldn’t work out for the life of me why everything was going wrong until I was thinking why me and as soon as I did the broken mirror came into my mind. I’m not a superstitious person but I definitely believe that the mirror is the cause of my problems.
I’ve heard some people ward off back luck with lucky charms such as horseshoes, four leaf clovers, and rabbit’s feet. I’ve also found that believing in yourself and having a positive attitude works wonders!
love this way
Try smudging yourself with mugwort or sage. A cleansing of mind, body and soul definitely helps end this. As many Wiccans/Pagans do a cleansing ritual of themselves and the area before practicing their Magick.
Can I just use Givenchy Gentleman cus thats all i have
I love this I’m going to do this rn ! I’m freaking out it’s been a uggggh kinda blah day already .I’m here at home alone and my wife left the mirror in the floor and I just stepped on it ! It was face down I just now flipped it over and it’s shattered but it’s still in the frame so I just did the salt thing over my shoulder ,did the circles and what I’m gonna do is I’m just a very spiritual person and I’m gonna say that me doing that just broke my bad luck so my bad luck .It is all into the mirror now it is broken and it’s about to leave my life the bad luck and if you believe in this what it is and now I’m going to go to Sage myself and I’m going to keep that mirror and I’m gonna write you know something about all my luck coming to me in abundance all good things are coming now thanks to me breaking the mirror so think about it in the reverse sense that maybe that’s taking your bad luck there’s not giving you bad luckAnd this much thing of course I’m gonna smudge myself the mirror just took my bad luck and that’s what I’m gonna go with I’m all for the Wiccan way !
I saw a broken mirror in my house probably my son did it! The mirror is in his room year later my friend came to help clean my house she told me to throw it away it bring bad luck as soon as she said I throw it right away. I didn’t know this superstition so 6 months later my husband and my son had bad car accidents almost die. Now i believe in superstition I pray all the time God is protecting me somehow it happened
I just did.the salt trick
same lmaoooo but stilllll
I threw salt and crawled under a table to the other side but idk what to do with the mirror should I bury it too?
Yes, just to be on the safe side.
Ouch! I hate it when that happens
What if I broke someone else’s mirror? Will they receive the bad luck? I don’t want them to receive bad luck.
sameee i put it on the ground face down so nothing travels through at night & i stepped on it.
ehhhhhhhh, calm bruh, STOP TRYING TO STEP ON A MIRROW, ehhhhhhh
we found out our side mirror of motorbike outside the house broke because of coconut drop into my side mirror of my motorbike.. do you think we can still have a bad luck even were not the one who break it?
I broke a mirror the other day I’m going to touch a piece of it on a tombstone I didn’t see it I cleaning and stepped on it
Help, I broke/cracked my Walmart mirror. I did the salt and table and the counter clockwise. My mom put the mirror outside, what do I do? Am I okay now? I don’t understand but I’m really scared
I know this is old but did it work?
I always carry a compact mirror in my purse for make up and such. I went to use it and it was broken!! I didn’t know and I looked at it SMH. How can I dispose of it so I am free of negative energy and bad luck??? I have not looked,used or touched it since.
well seven years bad luck could also date back to the fact that exactly 7 years from when you broke the mirror all of your cells will umhacke regenerated so you’ll basically be in a body that never broke a mirror 🙂
Ok, idk if I broke the mirror and I did the salt trick and went under that table, what if I didn’t break the mirror and I did the trick is that bad luck please answer me I’m super scared! 😬😭
what to do when a black cat crosses your path
does that mean bad luck too?
i wish no cause if it’s really a bad luck, you are going to have a bad time, really, i wish not heh
My partner broke two different mirrors in our home while me and him were arguing on two different occasions. One small light up one and a big full body length mirror. They both were mine. I didn’t break either of them but I feel like we both have bad luck. He broke the small light up mirror one first back on my birthday which was in November of 2019. 3 months later I miscarried at 8 weeks. Then he broke the full length mirror a month or two later. Soon after that we found out his great aunt died. I honestly don’t know what to do. The small light up mirror he threw away without doing anything to fix it, but the full length one I for some reason tried to glue a plastic bag over it so none of the small pieces would fall out since the majority of it was big pieces that didn’t fall out of the mirror and I didn’t have tape to tape it back at the time. I don’t want to throw the big mirror away because I’m worried we’ll have worst luck then. I did the salt trick on July 27th of 2020 this year. I want to respect the souls in the mirror. What should I do??
I accidentally broke a mirror when I’m attempting to remove it from its plastic frame. I did not thought of any bad luck happening. I pasted and painted the broken part and it ends up looking aesthetic. Since I wanted to make sure, I just visited this site. I’m safe, surely speaking.
I accidentally broke a mirror that was in a skip without knowing about the curse my mum later told me about the curse. The mirror is buried over in the skip. I have done the salt thing and crawled under a table and spun around three rimes will I be okay. Please reply.
HELP my grandma broke a quite big mirror in my room a few weeks ago and before i knew it brings bad luck yesterday i had seen myself in it almost everyday WHAT SHOULD I DO SOME BAD SITUATIONS HAPPENED TO ME ALREADY
My sister broke a portable mirror she used for makeup.. she did the throwing salt over her left shoulder, and spun 3 times counter clockwise. She also crushed the mirror into tiny oieces and threw it down the drain. Will this remove the bad luck?
Sounds good, Christina! I think this broken mirror incident should be ok since you’ve taken all those safety precautions.
3 years ago, I broke a mirror after blowing off the girl I really loved for her best friend. I was mad at her for taking my own personal matters into her own hands. I know she thought she was helping me, but it ended up hurting me more in the long run. I have very bad anxiety so sometimes it takes me awhile to work up the courage to stand up to people that hurt me too. I was selfish, narcissistic, and played the victim a lot. It’s important to understand the differences between self sabotage and taking care of yourself. Your mind and heart won’t always agree with each other. But your heart knows what you really want, even if your brain always doesn’t. After I broke the mirror, I kept the pieces in a little black bag in my room. My mother had to be the one to throw the pieces away, but I also couldn’t just outright tell her to. So, I just waited until she noticed the little black bag and asked her to kindly throw it out for me and she did. I had never broken a mirror before so it’s possible that I got 3 years because it took my mom a minute to notice. I have a shamrock, salt shaker, and death tarot card tattoo for protection though. As well as over 24 other tattoos that help protect me in my own special way. Take action as soon as you can. Trust what the little intrusive voice in your head is seeing and saying. It’s better to get sucked down the rabbit hole for a little bit than to have 7 years of bad luck if you ask me. 333 is a lucky number as well. Seek out all the sentimental things that protect you. My Grandma Brady gave me a stuffed white teddy bear with a red bow tie when I was slept over her house one night as a kid. I’ve always been scared of the dark, so she gave me the bear to protect me. When she died of breast cancer at the age of 66, me and my father where the only ones who weren’t in the room with her. But my teddy bear was with her when she died. And it was with her at her funeral, snugged right up next to her neck. My grandmother was a libra and granted me her gifts through my libra mercury. Sometimes, the best thing you can give someone, is a simple conversation. There is nothing that can’t be solved without communicating your true feelings to someone else. But I am not absolute truth. You are, my neighbor. And your mind is the ONLY absolute truth. Trust you intuition. You have all the power of God in you. You just have to dig it out. Take what i’m saying with a grain of salt.
i’m very scared. i broke my mom’s small walmart mirror like 5 or 6 hours ago and i did the spin thing just right now. i don’t know if i’ll be okay or if i still have bad luck. please help someone.
Is it too late to take it back to walmart?
I was staying with my brother and his wife before my marriage for nearly 6 years, later i got married and shifted to my new house. latter three days or so after my shifting from brother place to my new house the mirror in my room where i use stay when was there suddenly broke. No one did anything it, suddenly broke into two pieces.
I want to know what is meaning of mirror breaking by itself suddenly?
In the same house this is the third time in last six years a mirror has broken. Twice it broke suddenly and once with child’s mischief.
I just want to know is it bad for both of us?
I want to know about my room mirror breaking reason after i left
Right now i am suffering with lot of health issues.
Kindly help!!!
Sounds like a very creepy moment SH! If it broke itself, you may be safe from bad luck. It depends on exactly why it broke–which is something you may never know. Internal stresses in the glass caused by the frame could be a simple explanation to a seemingly supernatural cause.
Hello Krista, I would love your advice please.
I broke the large mirror on Sunday while moving in my new apartment, today is Satuday and I have only just read your piece on this and instructions.
Given that this happened 6 days ago, is it too late to follow all these directions above ?
Thank you,
Sorry to hear about the accident, Sarah! While it’s not ideal, it’s better to do them late than never!
Hi k , thanks for the reply . So is it too late to follow rule number 2 today considering the week time that has passed ?
I broke a mirror by mistake bout 5months ago is it to late to try an fix or iam I to late an I can tell I have bad luck
I’ve broke a mirror but it’s been 5 or 6 months ago is it to late to reverse the 7yr bad luck
A mirror in my house randomly fell off the wall and broke when I was downstairs from it, and I rushed up and helped clean it up with someone else. I tried being careful not to break the pieces because I didn’t know if that was still bad luck, but the other person wasn’t as careful and swept up the pieces while I was holding the dustpan and some might have broken there and I didn’t know if that was technically my fault because I was holding the dustpan. Also I viewed my reflection in the pieces that had broken off but weren’t cracked themselves. I also might have cracked a piece that was already cracked a little bit more but I’m not too sure about that. I was just wondering if anything I did was bad luck at all? Thank you
i broke a mirror few years back ever since all i had is bad luck i just want to end so ive done one of the things please wish me luck
will I get bad luck if the mirror fell by itself but I stopped it from falling all the way with my foot ? Will I still have to do these things ? And if I do which would work best please let me know I’m really scared
guys if you CRACKED it you didn’t BREAK it your safe
Brooo back in April this year I accidentally did that too and I recycled the mirror ;-;
I just stepped on glass and did everything except grind it down i put it outside on the grass of my back yard am i okay ?
Might not want to forget that last step!
I just broke my big mirror I’m gonna trust God with my life because he has the last say so no weapon that forms against my life shall prosper 🙏
Faith is a great way to fend off broken mirror bad luck!
**I’d like to apologize to anyone who feels offended by my comment. I respect your beliefs and I hope you respect mine. My intention is to aid someone suffering from the same problem we all are! I wish each of you the best of luck!**
Keyan Frazier, I know I’m three years too late, but I wanted to respond to your comment
That’s THE BEST attitude to have about everything in life! Remember this Bible verse Matthew 17:20 NIV
He[Jesus] replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” I hope you carry that attitude with you all your days.
I broke a mirror on accident I moved it and it cracked does this still count plz help me
I’ve heard differing opinions–some would say a simple crack isn’t broken, unless it’s traveled across the mirror (splitting/shattering the soul)
So, a trash can hit my car while I was driving by and it took out my right side car mirror. I go back to where it happened to find everything, but I only found the shell. There was no glass in the shell and there was no broken glass or intact glass anywhere. What happens if the “glass/mirror” just disappears or you can’t find it?
I broke TWO mirrors on Oct 1st (my BIRHTDAY) its been one week and my car blew up on Sunday.
I am having the worst week with things at home/ work.
I have just done the salt and the spins but I fear its too late.
I am quite a spiritual person and I read tarot. I’m so scared to read my own now?!?!
what do you guys suggest?
What happens if you break an already broken mirror
mabey that will remove your bad luck but i guess someone will find it, mabey they will have bad luck, mabey the trash bag will get bad luck!
Wow I wish I would of known this before!! About 4 years ago I broke not one but TWO mirrors…so I now have 14 year of bad luck? it’s weird to just stop and realize that maybe those mirrors you accidentally broke can be the cause of what’s going on in my life today. Mind blown!!
Hello, i’m so scared i’m getting chills um i did the salt thing and the turning around. I have prayed to lord. I buried the pieces somewhere but it isn’t that deep. Umm can u tell me if the cross on a 5 dollar bill works and how does it work. Do these remedies only let the bad luck for only 7 hours. Please help me reply.
why is burn baby burn? and I’ve heard of thro salt over ur sholder. XD ima go now. byyyyy!!!!!!
I broke window ones will I get bad luck but I’ve bin LUCKY so far
Please I broke a mirror like a month ago and I’m just knowing bout the curse and the cure I wanna know if it’s too late to do the cure although when I broke the mirror I didn’t look inside my friends image was the last please what am I to do I’m scared
I just broke a mirror and i did the salt hack and the turning around , can i still use the mirror i broke?
it like a year from now I broke a mirror accidentally. my friends told me it’s not realistic to think at first things went ruff (path) but I honestly don’t know what to think. like I said it was accidentally I’m not sure if I have bad luck I just think that’s life. I believe it’s what you think… There some people that are so native. their people who post “7 years of bad luck” just to scare people.
sometimes YALL have to THINK
how is it bad luck so when we throw a mirror in the garbage who has bad luck?
thx. seasons greetings. 😉
Oh no!!! I’m glad you were able to reverse it!
I Broke a Mirror 1 year ago at My apartment and I’m scared I did the salt threw it over my shoulder and and turn counter clockwise three times and broken the mirror was a 1 year tell me what Should I do next am I going to die or can I hang tightly and keep positive reasons
Hello Harry!
Hang tight! As long as you did at least one of the tactics, you will be perfectly fine! 🙂
I did the salt trick and spun around 3 times but i thought it said clockwise so i spun 3 times clockwise. What do i do now??please help. Thank you.
Spin 6 times counter-clockwise to be sure!
I just accidentally broke one of two twin mirrors. They both fell but only one survived. What do I do? I’ve already thrown salt over my left shoulder, crawled under a table, and spun around three times I blacken and bury both mirrors? Or just the one that broke. These two are identical. Should I treat them the same
You would only need to do the one that broke. However, if you want to be completely sure then you can do them both! Thank you for checking in!
Broke a mirror in 2014, still have it and have been fighting a cancer diagnosis ever since.. this year my chemo ends right before I broke the mirror 7 years ago! What do I do with the mirror?
I’m glad you’re doing better! Bury it! 🙂
In the month of July, I broke a mirror. It was a small mirror surrounded by tiny gemstones, set in a gray clay. I had purchased it while on vacation visiting an old flame, in South America. His mother quickly grabbed a piece of the broken mirror where it lay on the ground by the car. She returned to say goodbye as we drove off to the mountains for a long weekend away from civilization. A few days later, I was in a horrific car accident which crushed a vertebrae in my spine barely missing my spinal cord. A village doctor saw me and sent me back to the house we’d been staying at. I came to, realizing I had to lie on a board without medication until morning so we could return the city and I could be admitted to a hospital. After a complete 7 years of a dangerous marriage to the same guy I finally escaped while living in the US with him. I left in July and thankful to be alive. Now today I broke another mirror, inadvertently, as my new husband gifted me with 2 dozen roses for Valentines day. I chose not to go to work, as I drive everywhere for work. The weather is an unusual freezing temperature here in the south at 20°. I threw the mirror away and am afraid and don’t know what to do. I am a strong Christian and have prayed but I also remember the horrible consequence for breaking the mirror the first time. What can I do?
Terrifying! I would recommend throwing some salt over your shoulders, and try to bury as much of the mirror as you can!
i broke a mirror around a year ago and i threw away most of the pieces but i have been having bad luck ever since it occured, i have some of pieces of the mirror so i dont know what i should do with that, but i am going to try the salt thing and the spinning thing. But im wondering is it too late? Or do i still have time to reverse this?
You still have time!
A small mirror sat upon my shower used for shaving fell by itself and smashed in my bath, nobody was in bathroom at time and mirror always sits there but wasn’t attached to anything but still weird it fell itself. I’ve done the salt, spin and went under a table but not sure if quick enough im very superstitious and now very worried but should I really be? if it means someone’s going to die in my house soon that is my greatest fear my anxiety is now through the roof any help please.
You should be good!! Keep us updated if any bad luck does come your way, though! We will try our best!
I broke an antique mirror. Since then I have had a series of incredibly bad luck/stupidity/accidental mishaps occur.
First I had ‘friends’ take off with multiple items of mine.
Next I purchased a 2003 Mercedes s500 that was supposed to be a “simple fix”. The car was purchased at the end of August 2020 and has been stuck sitting ever since.
Someone attempted punching ignition in my truck when my dirtbike was in the back…
they failed thanks to my amazing girlfriend noticing on camera when they tapped brake lights…
a month or so later an old friend and his acquaintances succeeded in LIFTING my dirtbike & 100lb chain it had wrapped around itself tire thru tire…
Eventually I ended up coming across the bike again – all decals scrapped and the thing painted black with household paint. Its ran terribly ever since.
My trucks rear window was broken out during their removal of the bike..
Out of time frame now – my dog yesterday was really sick – couldn’t use her back legs.. we took her to the vet- it cost $500 to basically have them check her electrolyte balance and recommend an x ray which would have cost another $1200 or more.
We decided to take her home and see how she managed… she is walking good as normal – just quite a bit gassy.
Here are some details that if your not able to handle terrible things – then stop. Just understand please accidents happen and never in my life did I imagine they would to me.
I was driving a few months back – I had been up all night trying to get rid of our company who was homeless and pretending to call “friends” for a ride. I couldn’t sleep or else he would steal our stuff. Morning came and finally he had a place he could go. I said id give him a ride… I drove and at some point we both fell asleep in the car. Tragically we ran into another car head on. I woke up to seeing my “friend” swinging his door open and running. All of a sudden I realized what happened. I got out, while in shock I seen the other car and had thought someone rear ended me – causing me to hit them. Then I realized I was in the wrong lane. The other car was facing opposite direction. I ran over to see if everyone was ok – assuming they were seeing as my associate seemed fine and I was confused but felt alright other then my head hurting. In the other vehicle there were was a man and a woman of elderly age. Mid and upper 60’s. One of them was not wearing a seatbelt. I tried to ask if they were ok – I assumed they were in shock too.
I seen the authorities pull up and asked them to help – the ambulance arrived shortly after. I cannot say too much but J will say this – One was injured and has been out of hospital for a while – fractured ribs etc… The other was injured more severely and flown to another hospital. At first it appeared everything was going good – but things tragically turned for the worst.
This individual – they did not survive after all the treatment, love, and prayers they received in their direction.
I was charged with vehicular assault – now being upended to vehicular homicide.
A no contact order was set in place since the initial court date so can’t apologize, and never will have that chance in one case.
A lot of things have gone one since then… none of them good.
My girlfriend believes it all has to do with this mirror I broke.
Superstition or not, it can’t hurt to try something.
I’m about done with all of this if much more doesn’t go my way at all to be honest. I feel the family deserves the justice they feel is necessary – and I don’t want to rid them of that but life can seriously change in the blink of an eye and its crazy we can’t go back. No matter how much you wish, pray, beg, cry, or anything – we can’t rewind. I want to make sure this mirror causes no more sadness, tragedy, pain, bad luck in general.
I hope you superstitious folks are right, and something here will help is all im saying.
They really do work! I am sorry to hear about all of the bad luck! I hope it becomes better for you soon!
This morning I accidentally knocked my mirror over with my bag and I really do not know what to do. I probs will try this later when I get home I have my fingers crossed and hoping I will not get bad luck for 7 yrs. it doesn’t really matter tbh coz I already get bad luck even tho I’ve never broken a mirror🤷♀️ I will reply to this comment to keep u kinda updated 😬
I look forward to staying updated!
Thank you
i cracked my mirror, is this considered? will i get badluck too? they’re different right?
i just accidentally broke my handheld mirror. i was in my bath room and it landed face down, and broke. so i took the pieces and cleaned but, a good chunk (96%) was still in the little frame. i’m only 14, so i cant do anything without my parents asking, so i took all the pieces that broke and had fallen, and ran them under a faucet. i hope that’s the right way, cause i don’t want to damage any pipes or something. please pray i’m scared
I actually sat on a hand held mirror and it broke I did the salt trick I’m 14 and kinda scared
I had a dream that I broke a mirror but I managed to use my elbow and had to stop the broken mirror from falling down. Please what does it mean
Are you sure? I had one of those cheep $14 body length mirrors from Walmart that has a cardboard back and not wooden back so no support for the glass, one time a few days ago I picked it up and tried to pull it towards me to move it but the bottom was stuck behind something and so the top came forward, the bottom stayed back and it bent In the middle and cracks spidered across a portion of the mirror and some small itty bitty shards fell out, but most of it stayed intact, I threw it on the dumpster. Did I screw up? What can I do to amend it? I feel like just throwing some salt and spinning doesn’t seem like enough to reverse the bad luck of breaking a mirror. Please someone help! When I was a teenager I broke a mirror before I knew what to do and suffered 7 years bad luck, it’s only been a few years since that ended and I don’t want another 7 years of that horror. Those were the worst years of my life.
I need to replace a mirror in the bathroom that is stuck to the wall and pitting. It needs to be replace. In doing so it need to be smashed and taken off. Will I still get bad luck if it I need to do this on purpose?
Thanks 😊
[…] unfortunately come true. Don’t worry, there are repel for the broken mirror bad luck. On the Two Way Mirrors website shows us how to remove the bad luck easily. Otherwise nothing will happen to […]
Help— I broke a mirror yesterday and the tiny pieces I threw away but I still have the bigger pieces before I knew this I dig the bigger pieces out of the trash. Last night I threw salt over my left shoulder, saged the mirror and myself, am going to the cemetery to touch it to my families tombstone since I couldn’t to someone else (felt wrong). What do I do with the larger pieces and the bigger shards I could save? Bury them in the moonlight? Like I heard to let the moon reflect in it but not your image or both reflect? Or use everything I have left or could find in a craft but then the mirror would need to be broken further. I’m also buying a actual charm with a clover and horseshoe image on it. Is it too late to spin counter clockwise. Help! Thank you!
I broke a mirror years ago. I literally had 7 years of bad luck! I didn’t think we would EVER get through it! At the time, I wasn’t exactly superstitious, but ended up being a believer!
Fast forward to June 2023. I accidentally broke a mirror. It fell off of my bathroom cabinet. Ever since then, it’s been one financial drain after another! It’s, literally, been a month. We have had to put new tires on the car ($300), I found a water leak in the house that has ruined our drywall! And today, my daughter called crying. She said there’s something else wrong w/ the car! So we won’t know until Monday! Every week there’s been Something!
I HAVE to stop this & stop it NOW! I went to a festival, last night. This woman, selling crystals, sold me a bag of graveyard dirt straight from New Orleans! She told me a couple of different ways to use it to break the spell! First one, she said I could sprinkle the dirt onto the broken mirror and speak loudly, whatever my wishes are. The second one was to use a black or white candle. She said to put vegetable oil on the candle and the sprinkle the graveyard dirt on it. While burning the candle, speak loudly into the universe to break the spell!
I’m currently out of town but will be trying SEVERAL of these tips as soon as I get home! I cannot go through again!
Does it make a difference if you’ve broke the mirror on purpose? Not me but my close friend did 6 years and 11 months ago. SUCH bad luck. The worst luck for the whole time.
Do you get more years bad luck for on purpose
Hello! Do I toss the pieces into a river that flows from south to north or from a river that flows from north to south?
I have been starring at broken in my room for quite some time now, may be 2years or more i think so. Just two days ago a friend of mine educated me on the negative impact of looking into a broken mirror- back luck🤔. So i began to read any stuff i could lay my hands on. Now here i am with a problem i think i need to fix. I have been struggling with laziness to take my advertising agency to the next level and other bad luck related incidents have been occurring in my since that time. I have a reason to think it roots from the broken mirror. 🤭I actually like working out early in the morning and i do it in front of my mirror. How can we fix this Admin???
Literally that’s what the page blog article story whatever u want to call it was about silly goose. What to do after u accidentally break a mirror. If you happen to purposely break it I gather it’s a entire demon and gargoyle of a different shade. It is believe that a mirror broken on purpose or even due to some other act of aggression resulting in the breaking of a mirror. All ur personal demons dealt with previous or just chained up and waiting their turn will be let loose and revisit the havoc it is their strongest desire to cause you in your Dailey life. But if it was done thru and act of aggression and broke the mirror second hand you better hope u were alone didn’t speak the name of he who agreed you and not be so cursed to have broken a borrowed or public mirror because every evil deed it witnessed either happen or the tears that fell bc of it will now be yours (public mirror could cause suicide). Yet it may bless the owner of the borrowed mirror because their demons and evil deed consequences transfer to you (reason u will be considered a split soul). This leaves the ootbm with new found freedom and your tremendous bad lucky and serious monsoon of misfortune become so inconvenient that there is a irrepairable wedge driven in betwixt you both you loose them. So my advice is watch your temper if u must throw fits throw them at home and if your already in the rotten spaghetti.
The same evening or the next night at 15:15:15 military time 3:15:15pm or 6:15:15am(the only two time period the demons are totally silent and the universe might possibly hear u).
Then waste no time do everything on this list sage your house rub sage oil on ur wrist on ur pulse of both arms and both sides of ur neck where u find the pulse and the souls of your feet. Get some hemp paper write you description of the demons you know are coming and that which you labeled it on the paper if you wrote ur name or anyone u loved name or used I me mine language circle them spit on ur thumb and dab each circle more some type flammable liquid In a splash cut each listing away separately fold each one kiss the paper apologize for your stupidity and immature behavior promised to offer more respect from now on drop each piece in the flammable liquid say these words So it was done Now let me be free So shall it be undone by the power of the universe displayed and and exacted on to me. So it has been said So shall it be! Provided the universe seems me worth and sets me free! Now light the flammable liquid and wait til it burns out and whatever is left ashes smut scorch mark wipe it up with you bare hand and do not wash the hand until the next morning after daybreak
I broke a mirror 3years ago i lost everything because of that. how can I bring back good luck in my house
I stepped on a mirror and it broke, I’m only 12 and I don’t want to tell my mom! I did the counter clockwise spinning and I’m going to do the salt and table thing, but will that be enough?? I’m scaredddd!!!
So I am one of those believers in certain superstitions The beginning of August 2023 stupid me smashed to pieces due to being late and half asleep a body length mirror I had on the ground witch I thought was in a good spot out of harms way. The morning I had broken the mirror I was at drs office misdiagnosed to a certain degree. Should have heeded this as a warning!!!! Went to work when I was able to two days later after doctors note and mashed my hand to where I had to leave warning number two should’ve heated it, but I didn’t!!! Worked for at least a week week and a half became overly tired fell asleep at work people that know me know I don’t sleep emergency room diagnosed with a virus. Emergency room next day. Finger was locked down missed diagnosed again. The outcome but I believe strongly at breaking the mirror like an idiot is I am now I don’t work for up to two months having hand surgery on Tuesday on two fingers possibly a third. Yes, I know my hand situation has been growing throughout the years, but I do strongly believe me breaking that mirror made everything come together and all of my bad luck come out this month to be continued.
I bin the mirror when it then got broken inside the bin outside my flat, does that will count? Consider that I no longer wanted the mirror and the mirror was no longer mine when it wasn’t broke, would I still get it?
My mirror in the bathroom is stuck to the wall and has started pitting, I need to remove it but the only way is to brake it and somehow get it off the wall. Will I still get bad luck?
I broke my mirror by accident I’m only 13 I did the spin thing will that be enough
Hi there,
I accidentally spun clockwise the first time and then went counter clockwise after realizing it. Does this matter or affect this in anyway? Please advise as I am very superstitious and scares. I did it two days ago and I’m just now reading this after being extremely clumsy. Thank you in advance!
We broke up and went our separate ways. I wrote __________________( c ‘ ‘ y a ho O… co m )… for a love spell and he truly helped me! I was able to get her to miss me, She had lot of regrets and felt bad for leaving me. We are back together again. she cherish our relationship so much more and our love is stronger now! …
Does the moon light have to be a full moon? Do we absolutely have to crawl under a table? Why is it unlucky to break a mirror? & lastly, Why did the mirror instantly turn double sided, like a two way mirror?
I broke a mirror in my wallet about a month ago… just now doing something about it. Which method would work best? I still have the mirror and I’m still using the wallet. I am able to remove the shards, I can’t get rid of the wallet as it was my husbands when he was in the navy. (it’s technically a metal cigarette case)
Any of them will be fine 🙂
[…] incense: Some beliefs suggest burning incense can cleanse the air of negative […]
I broke a mirror but I think it would be shattered none of the shards came out of the wood frame. I remembered hearing about reversing the bad luck of 7 years but didn’t remember from where, so I googled it and came across this website and read the different ways. When I was read these it had been a few hours after breaking the mirror but I did throw salt over my left shoulder but I don’t want to throw the mirror away I use the backside of the mirror as a lap table when I’m in bed (the mirror is from an old vanity table) I taped the mirror together so none of the shards will come out I want to use it as my lap table but what else can or should I not to have bad luck of breaking or shattering it. Please help me with this dilemma thank you
I broke a mirror but I did not see myself in it am I still gonna have bad luck
I didn’t reuse the whole mirror; I disposed it. But I did reuse the broken pieces and it will eventually be a picture frame with some color.
That sounds cool!
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